Project-Based AWS and DevOps Training Program

We offer a comprehensive and hands-on AWS and DevOps training program that is designed to empower aspiring IT professionals, recent graduates, and career changers. Our program spans four months and is aimed at providing you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in the world of cloud computing and DevOps.

What Sets Our Training Program Apart

Hands-On Learning: Our training program is not just theory; it's practical. You'll work on real-world projects and gain practical experience that sets you apart from the competition.

Duration: In just four months, you'll acquire the essential skills required to embark on a successful career in AWS and DevOps.

Interview Preparation: We provide interview preparation support, including mock interviews, resume building, and interview tips to boost your confidence when seeking employment.

On-the-Job Support: Our commitment to your success doesn't end with the training. We offer on-the-job support to help you apply what you've learned in a professional environment.

Certification Guaranteed: We're so confident in our training that we guarantee your certification success. We'll prepare you for AWS and DevOps certifications, ensuring you're job-ready.

High Earnings Potential: Upon completion of our program, you'll be equipped with skills that are in high demand. Many of our graduates secure positions with starting salaries of £60,000 and above.

What You'll Learn

Our training program covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • AWS Services: Gain proficiency in AWS core services and solutions.
  • DevOps Tools: Learn popular DevOps tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and Git.
  • Cloud Security: Understand cloud security best practices.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Explore IaC principles with tools like Terraform.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Implement CI/CD pipelines for software delivery.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Learn how to monitor and troubleshoot applications in the cloud.
  • Agile and Collaboration: Embrace Agile methodologies and improve collaboration within development and operations teams.

Career Opportunities

Upon completing our training program, you'll be well-equipped to pursue various career paths, including:

  • AWS Cloud Engineer: Design, deploy, and manage AWS solutions.
  • DevOps Engineer: Facilitate collaboration between development and operations teams.
  • Cloud Solutions Architect: Create scalable and secure cloud architectures.
  • Automation Engineer: Implement automation for efficiency and quality.

Join Us Today

Invest in your future with our project-based AWS and DevOps training program. Gain the skills, experience, and certifications that will propel you into a rewarding and high-paying career.

Ready to get started? Contact Me Tech today to learn more about enrollment, course dates, and how we can help you achieve your career goals in the world of AWS and DevOps.